# Legacy Software
[[Software Engineering]] [[Software Architecture]]
## Books
- [[BOOK - Working Effectively with Legacy Code - Michael C Feathers]]
## Links
A thread on hacker news about people inheriting good codebases. This reminds me of inheriting my own legacy codebase in the form of [[Goldeneaglecoin]], about which I wanted to write an article ([[BLOG IDEA - Returning to code I wrote 10 years ago]])
- [Ask HN: Have you ever inherited a code base you thought was well done? | Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32384769)
A nice article by Nasreen who is also in batch about reading [[Codebases]]:
- [Nasreen's blog](https://nsreeen.github.io/how-do-you-navigate-a-large-unknown-codebase/)